The Middlesex Hospital Family Medicine Residency Program provides innovative education to 24 residents in a community where family medicine is the dominant mode of primary health care delivery. It is based at one of the nation’s leading community hospitals, and has been honored with both Top 100 and Magnet Hospital status. Because family medicine is the only residency program at Middlesex Hospital, our residents do not compete with other learners for either teaching time or patient care experiences.
The Middlesex Hospital program is one of 14 of the nation’s 460 residency programs chosen to participate in the P4 Initiative. It offers a unique four year curriculum to better prepare graduates to provide health care in an increasingly complex health care environment. The curriculum includes six additional core rotations beyond the traditional 3 year model, a transformed “New Model” office practice, and five Tracks of Excellence that allow residents to develop in depth knowledge in Maternal/Child Health, International/Community Health, Geriatrics/Palliative Medicine, Integrative Medicine, or Faculty Development.
From the first day our residents care for a panel of their own patients, with a strong emphasis on continuity of care in the office, hospital, home, and nursing home. Our three model offices are located in urban, suburban, and rural locations and provide care at almost 30,000 patient visits each year. Our 13 full-time highly experienced faculty physicians are deeply committed to teaching and serving as role models to residents, who are viewed as our junior partners in practice.
Middlesex Hospital is a modern, 275-bed, community hospital serving an extremely diverse population of over 250,000. The hospital also operates three emergency satellite facilities and a modern outpatient diagnostic and treatment center. The medical staff is outstanding, and committed partners in the education of residents. The hospital’s Tremaine Health Sciences Library is one of the best community hospital libraries in the state.
Alan Douglass, M.D., Director
Family Medicine Residency Program
Middlesex Hospital
90 South Main St. Middletown CT 06457
(860) 344-6488