In the Southwestern corner of the state, the Stamford Hospital / Columbia University Family Practice Residency Program is located in Stamford, less than an hour by train or car from New York City. Stamford is a town of rolling hills, stone wall, harbors, and beaches. It has grown to be a modern city of approximately 100,000 people. Energized by its prximity to New York, Stamford is deeply rooted in the New England tradition and continues to offer a blend of small town life and big city sophistication.
In the last twenty years Stamford has emerged as the home of some of the nations largest corporate headquarters. It is a diverse city predominately made up of middle and upper middle income families. The elderly, socially disadvantaged, urban poor, and recent immigrants are also well represented in Stamford.
In 1997, St. Joseph Medical Center affiliated with the Stamford Hospital and became an integral part of Stamford Health System. It is the fifth resident specialty offered at The Stamford Hospital. Residents at St. Joseph’s are part of and extensive community-wide health system that includes two hospitals, a nursing home, a hospice, visiting nurse agency, and numerous outpatient services. The diversity of inpatient and outpatient experiences available to the family practice residents in Stamford assure competence in the knowledge and skill necessary to the high quality practice of Family Medicine.
With only five residents in each year, residents quickly become known by the excellent teaching and attending staff. This cellegial environment facilitates a productive and enjoyable educational experience. The flexibility and personalized attention characteristic of the program allows residents to develop skill and knowledge in special areas of interest. A wealth of rotational opportunities is available through the residency affiliated with Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center.
Stamford offers a high standard of living to residents and their families. From its public beaches and rustic nature trails to its excellent resaurants, theater and cultural resources, the Stamford area provides a wonderful opportunity for quality living.
Henry Yoon, M.D., Program Director
Kathleen R. Nurena, M.D., Assistant Program Director
Family Practice Residency Program , The Stamford Hospital
The William Pitt Family Medical Center
128 Strawberry Hill Avenue, Stamford, CT 06904
(203) 353-2270