UConn School of Medicine sponsored program based in Hartford, CT
The UConn Family Medicine residency program is a university administered, community-based program, which offers a unique blend of training from academic faculty in a major teaching hospital. The residency program is a 7-7-7 fully accredited program with a well-balanced curriculum, which provides training in full-spectrum Family Medicine.
Our primary location for training is at the Family Medicine Center at Asylum Hill located directly across the street from Saint Francis Hospital. The practice center is NCQA certified as a Patient Centered Medical Home. Residents provide a wide range of primary and preventative care to all ages of their own patients throughout their three years of training.
In addition to our strong ambulatory training, residents train in inpatient medicine on our own Family Medicine service in the hospital. They also receive Obstetrics, ICU, and Emergency Medicine training at Saint Francis Hospital while pediatric inpatient training occurs at the Connecticut Children’s Medical Center in downtown Hartford. A variety of ambulatory experiences in musk, sports medicine (our Primary Care Sports Medicine fellowship is part of our Department!), community medicine, gynecology and more, provide for a wide breadth of learning. Our longitudinal psychosocial curriculum and our health systems management curriculum are
Our mission is to produce family medicine physicians that care for the underserved in urban populations addressing social determinants, health disparities and psychosocial needs. We accomplish this goal by providing extraordinary curriculum in evidenced-based medicine combined with the opportunity to serve the people of the Asylum Hill and Hartford neighborhoods. We are actively involved in community projects that promote health and well-being of our patients who live in the city. The practice stresses continuity of care, prevention of illness and optimization of health maintenance.
The Family Medicine Center and the Department of Family Medicine residency program has a long history of providing excellent medical care to the people of the Asylum Hill neighborhood in Hartford. We emphasize teamwork and collaborative learning! Visit our web site for more information: https://health.uconn.edu/graduate-medical-education/family-medicine-residency-program/
Kenia Mansilla-Rivera, MD
Associate Professor, Program Director [email protected]
Stephanie Phillips
Program Coordinator [email protected] 860.714.7527
Family Medicine Center at Asylum Hill, 99 Woodland St, Hartford CT 06105